New silicon manufacturer: Nations Technologies
Algocraft supports Nations Technologies N32 MCUs Thanks to its low power consumption characteristics, in relation to performance, the architecture ARM now dominates the global market

µISP: A valid alternative to the “USB Stick Programmers”
The programming/debug tools used in the R&D departments are often used in the production area as programming instruments.

International Distributor Meeting 2022: a great success!
Last week Algocraft has organized the International Distributor Meeting 2022 at Villa Luppis. The event, that took place on the 9th and 10th of June, was a great success:

The importance of a Universal device library
The device library plays a very important role in the choice of a programming system

New silicon manufacturer: indie Semiconductor
WriteNow! has just introduced new silicon manufacturer indieSemiconductor

The Relay Barrier in an In-System Programming Equipment
The In-System Programmers on the market employ two ways for obtaining high impedance on their ISP lines: Driving them to tri-state (using a solid-state